The preparatory track (PrepTrack) of Stranaska Metrology Academy offers unique life-changing scientific mentorships for high school students throughout the broad generalized student achievement continuum:
- Motivated students with high aspiration and achievement in science classrooms and STEM clubs
- Underachieving students with lack of interest and aspiration in the same science classrooms and STEM clubs
- Challenged students with minor intellectual or developmental disabilities often resigned to alternate high schools
Different levels of scientific mentorship are structured to meet the needs of the individual student.
High school students in Poudre School District and surrounding school districts can access Academy PrepTrack through the Xello website. Academy PrepTrack is in its initial stage of working with selected challenged students through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE).
Academy PrepTrack can have a unique life-changing impact on a given student by introducing them to analytical metrology, self-defined as as a measurement-centric chemical science, that is currently not taught in existing high school chemistry or related science courses. Analytical metrology is integral to multiple career pathways and entry points into the lucrative analytical instrumentation industry. Academy PrepTrack readily connects students to this unexplored employment market by providing an awareness of exciting and rewarding job opportunities and careers that help understand and solve important scientific issues and problems of local, national and global importance.
Academy PrepTrack provides high school and post-secondary students a special and unique opportunity to participate in a new exciting real-world science mentorship program that transcends their traditional school curricula, science courses and STEM clubs.
The scientific focus of the new program is analytical metrology, or measurement-centric chemical science, which is integral to the untapped 49 billion dollar scientific analytical instrumentation industry. By instilling a new awareness and interest in analytical metrology, Academy PrepTrack expands the science horizons of young students while broadening college degree course study options and opening doors of new exciting career opportunities previously unknown to them.
Academy PrepTrack encourages high school science students to schedule an orientation session with us to learn more about how they can benefit from our hands-on science mentorship program. Please contact Dr. Jerry Messman by emailing Jerry directly at [email protected] or call us at 970-282-7041 (Stranaska Metrology Academy). Emailing is preferred.
Academy PrepTrack Director: Jerry D. Messman, PhD