The Stranaska Metrology Academy (SMA) is a synergistic company program with landmark scientific initiatives that Dr. Messman has envisioned throughout his career. The hybrid focus areas, aligned with the CREAM moniker (Communications, Research and Education in Analytical Metrology), are centralized as an internal means to accentuate comprehensive Stranaska objectives and scientific competence for continued global growth and leadership in analytical metrology.

The broad CREAM scope of the Academy includes state-of-the-art project focus areas and outreach in analytical metrology that emphasize advancements in Stranaska research and development, communications, training and education. Of special note, Stranaska Press serves as a communications registry for the Stranaska Metrology Academy that includes a respository of the company’s calibration science databases, educational releases, and SJARMA, the Stranaska Journal of Analytical Research and Measurement Analytics. Elevation of the Academy status relative to that of the long-standing Laboratory is the predictable and logical process led by Dr. Messman in eventual realization of his overall goal for unequivocal Stranaska leadership, growth and achievement in analytical metrology.


Academy Staff

  • Jerry Messman, PhD – Academy Executive Director
  • William Hartwell – Academy Leader
  • Patricia Robbin – Special Assistant to the Director
  • Jody Roberts – Academy Associate (College Student)
  • Jackson Goodwin – Academy Assistant (High School Student)

Dr. Messman is  professional member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), NCSL International and CITAC, an acronym for the Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry. While CITAC membership is dominated by official NMI governmental leaders and prestigious university professors around the world, Jerry holds the distinct honor of being one of the very few CITAC representatives from a commercial company.